Microsoft Community Contributor 2011 Award
This evening I’ve been surprised by an e-mail from Microsoft congratulating me on my online contributions, which have been recognised with the Microsoft Community Contributor Award. Read more >>
Dynamics CRM: From a smart CRM to a dumb ERP
Dynamics CRM is indeed a fantastic tool and one of my favourite products out there. Now with Dynamics CRM 2011 concept of xRM (“anything” Relationship Management), the application can be truly extended beyond the conventional “customer relationship management” model. However, one must not forget the core constant in which Dynamics CRM has been architected: Relationship Management.
What I am asserting is that Dynamics CRM is not an ERP system, accounting system or a service management system; and it was never supposed to be either of these. Yet I have seen a lot of companies out there trying to customise Dynamics CRM beyond the appropriate scope. Read more >>
Dynamics CRM: On-demand or on-premises? Consider your reporting requirements
Companies willing to implement Dynamics CRM 2011 must decide whether to deploy it in their own infrastructure (on-premises) or to implement it at Microsoft’s cloud offering (on-demand). Normally people consider that both solutions go on-pair with each-other and that the bottom line decision should be based on cost.
There is however a tiny caveat that if not considered, can become quite a nuisance: Reports. Read more >>
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