Browsing articles tagged with "fetchXML Archives - Pedro Innecco"

Dynamics CRM: Creating a radar chart

Sep 26, 2011   //   by Pedro Mac Dowell Innecco   //   Dynamics CRM/365  //  4 Comments

From all of the new features in Dynamics CRM 2011, the one that got me thrilled the most is charts. Dynamics CRM comes with a selection of charts for opportunities, leads, accounts and so on. It also allows users to create five different chart types straight from the Dynamics CRM interface: Column, Bar, Line, Pie and Funnel.

However, there is more to charts than it meets the eye. The charts functionality in Dynamics CRM leverages the ASP.NET chart controls, which means that we have at our disposal over 20 different chart types we could use. I decided to put the theory into practice and I created my very first radar chart for Dynamics CRM: Deals Won vs. Deals Lost by Territory. Read more >>

Dynamics CRM: On-demand or on-premises? Consider your reporting requirements

Aug 29, 2011   //   by Pedro Mac Dowell Innecco   //   Dynamics CRM/365  //  No Comments

Companies willing to implement Dynamics CRM 2011 must decide whether to deploy it in their own infrastructure (on-premises) or to implement it at Microsoft’s cloud offering (on-demand). Normally people consider that both solutions go on-pair with each-other and that the bottom line decision should be based on cost.

There is however a tiny caveat that if not considered, can become quite a nuisance: Reports. Read more >>

Dynamics CRM: Odd behaviour in grouped charts with multiple series

Jul 28, 2011   //   by Pedro Mac Dowell Innecco   //   Dynamics CRM/365  //  2 Comments

Earlier this year, I bumped into an odd behaviour in Dynamics CRM 2011, which has been recently confirmed by Microsoft to be a bug. This has been the first bug I found in Dynamics CRM 2011 and I was hoping it would be the last since I wasn’t proactively hunting for bugs. Then I came across another odd behaviour, which has been flagged by my users.

The issue concerns the dynamic filtering of list views not behaving as expected when interacting with grouped charts containing multiple series. However this one Microsoft insists it is by design. I’d like to see what others have to say about it, though.

The odd behaviour I am referring to is quite evident when viewing opportunities. In order to replicate this issue, make sure you have lots of opportunities marked as open and closed (some as won and some as lost) and for more than one owner. Read more >>