Browsing articles tagged with "SharePoint Archives - Pedro Innecco"

Azure AD Domain Services: A death foretold

As the technical director of my company, one of my tasks is to foresee the expansion of our IT infrastructure, which is mostly hosted in Azure. In the past few months I have been working on a whole new Azure environment that streamlines our virtual machines (VMs), offloads most of our workloads to manage services and users the latest and greatest when possible.

One of the products I was looking forward to is Azure Active Directory Domain Services (AADDS), which provides two domain controllers for our Azure environment as a managed service. Not only this means we don’t have to worry about deploying domain controller VMs, but also a tighter integration with our Azure Active Directory. After two weeks of researching on the subject and speaking with Azure support, I decided to take the leap — hoping the leap was based on empirical research more than faith. Boy, was I wrong wronged.


SharePoint: Mount-SPContentDatabase returns an “update conflict error”

I am currently on the process of upgrading our SharePoint 2007 infrastructure to SharePoint 2010 using the database attach procedure. However for the past two days I have been stuck with the following error when I tried to mount the SharePoint 2007 database in SharePoint 2010:

An update conflict has occurred, and you must re-try this action.

I was breaking my head crawling Google, Bing and Microsoft forums in trying to find a solution for this problem, until today when Microsoft forums saved the day. Read on for the solution.